Director: Adrienn Hód
Art assistants: Imola Kacsó, Márton Gláser
ArtMenők professional/group leaders: Andrea Mészöly, Ági Gyulavári
ArtMenők professional/group assistants: Henrietta Sudár, Károly Tóth
Music composer: Rozi Mákó
Lighting designer: Kata Dézsi
Styling, costume: Viktor Szeri
Head of the ArtMenők Art Program: Kata Kopeczny
“How much does the body express itself, how does it communicate its personal and cultural content through dance? Does it speak differently if words do not support it? If we don’t help, ‘what we dance about’? We shaped the dancers’ original stories through dialogues between movement and text, and then abandoned the texts. With the help of our ancestors, we searched for what it means to be an Austrian, a Hungarian and a Russian woman on the same stage. Women next door, on the same side or on different ones. It’s a sensitive area.” Anna Biczók
Artistic direction, choreography: Anna Biczók
Performance, choreography: Adél Juhász, Karin Pauer, Sasha Portyannikova
Music: Rozi Mákó
Light: Kata Dézsi
Costume: Csenge Vass
Graphics: Bori Mákó
Assistant to choreographer: Virág Arany
Choreographer: Anna Biczók
Partner: Workshop Foundation
Coproduction partner: STUK Huis voor Dans
Supporters: Nemzeti Kulturális Alap, Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma, Creative Crossroads – Life Long Burning, Kreatív Európa Program, danceWEB, Sín Kulturális Központ
Special thanks: Ármin Szabó-Székely, László Fülöp, Zsófia Tamara Vadas, Gáspár Téri